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Mark S. Roosa

Mark Roosa - 色片软件免费

Dean of Libraries

As Pepperdine's dean of libraries, Mark Roosa directs libraries on the Malibu campus and throughout the Los Angeles area. Prior to joining the University, Roosa was director for preservation at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, where he was responsible for the activities of the Preservation Directorate's five divisions and two special programs, which together provided care for more than 128 million items in a myriad of formats.

He previously served as chief conservation officer at the Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California, where he directed a program to care for an extensive collection of rare books, manuscripts, photographs, and works on paper pertaining to American history and literature, Western Americana, and the history of science. Before joining the Huntington, Roosa was preservation officer at the University of Delaware Library. He maintains a lifelong passion for libraries, research, learning, and preservation of the cultural record as embodied in communities of practice, and in books, films, photographs, sound recordings, and other media.

Roosa, who served as a Senior Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2006, holds a bachelor's degree in music from the University of Minnesota, an MLIS from the University of California, Berkeley, a postgraduate certification in preservation administration from Columbia University, and a PhD in information studies from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Phone: 310.506.4252
Email: mark.roosa@pepperdine.edu